
Commercial Vendor Indoor and Outdoor Space

Join us as an exhibitor at the Dunn County Fair.  Indoor and outdoor commercial space is available at a very competitive price.  Print and complete the two forms listed below and return them to the Fair Office using the address on the application or e-mail them to If you were a previous vendor, we will do our best to locate your booth in the same general area unless you specify that you would like to move to a different area in the building. The WI Temporary Event Operator Seller Information form is required for all vendors even if you have a display only booth.

If you wish to pay via a credit card, debit card or eCheck, please click on the link on the website. If you are paying by check or money order, please include your check with the application. Thank you.

2025 Commercial Exhibit Application

WI Temporary Event Operator Seller Information

Food Vendor Space

Contact the Fair Office at 715-308-8659 or send an e-mail to for information on food vendor space.

Vendor Registration Information – Payment of Invoices Only

In 2015, Dunn County implemented a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.  When fully deployed, this system will dramatically improve the manner in which Dunn County does business. One of the outstanding features of this new system is Vendor Self-Service.  This feature will allow you to update your information in our vendor database, in order to ensure the accuracy of your company’s information and to support timely payment of invoices.  Please visit the county website to complete the forms.